Live More, Give More, and Get More
The owner of a construction company tells a story about going to a goals seminar to get control of their business and their personal life. The following Monday morning, they got to work early and made a list of things to do. By 8:30am, after several phone calls, faxes, e-mails, interruptions, and an emergency conference with a job site superintendent, they hadn’t done one thing on their hot list. At 4:00 p.m., their best customer called and invited them to play golf the next morning and discuss signing a big construction contract. They realized they didn’t have time to play golf with their best customer! They had forgotten their focus and couldn’t remember their priorities.
A business that works is always ‘On-Purpose’ and ‘On-Target’ according to your priorities. It gives you what you want. What will make your business ‘On-Purpose’ for you? Do you want your business to always make a profit, create repeat loyal customers, be 100 percent run by your management team, grow your equity, create wealth, and allow you the freedom to enjoy the five F’s: family, friends, faith, finances, and fun?
Prioritize and Commit
A business friend once said that they wanted to have more time off from their business. When asked him to be more specific, they admitted, “I would just love it if I could have at least off on Sundays!” Everyone is in a different place. But to get what you want, start by being specific about how you will balance your business and personal goals. Make a commitment and say, “I will leave the office at 5:00 p.m.” “I will not check my e-mails or voice mail from 5pm until 7 a.m.” “I will not get involved in decisions my project managers are authorized to make.” “I will take a three- or four-day weekend off every month.” Be ruthless. Stick to your priorities and what you want out of your business and life. Be ‘On-Purpose’ and ‘On Target.’ Resolve every day to:
- Read and focus on your personal and business priorities
- Make progress towards achieving your balanced life goals
- Not postpone your life and family for business pressures
- Live your priorities to get what you want
Successful people say: Losers say:
I can do that! I could never do that!
I’ll do that! I’ll try that!
No Yes to other people’s priorities
When is the best time to try new ideas and work differently? (Hint: It’s not “ASAP.”) The best time is now. Trying new ideas and doing new and different things daily is hard to accomplish. But, forgetting old ideas and comfortable ways of acting and doing is even harder. Putting your priorities first is tough. Each day of your life involves difficult demands and tradeoffs. To be ‘On-Purpose…On-Target’ you must be ruthless about your decisions, choices, commitments, and priorities.
The Three Rs to Live Life ‘On-Purpose…On-Target
- Accept Responsibility
- Accept Reality
- Accept Risk
Accept Responsibility - The following responses to circumstances have become the norm in today’s society: “It’s not my fault;” “It’s just not fair;” or “It’s not my job.” When winners take on a job they get it done. Period. No excuses, no rules, and no reasons why not.
Accept Reality - Sitting and waiting for “it” to change is counterproductive to living ‘On-Purpose…On-Target.’ Accept your current situation as it is. You can’t change the past. However, you can change your future, starting now. Get on with it. Go for it and make the best of what you’ve got and make tomorrow even better. Start making those slow but steady changes in how you manage your life.
Accept Risk - Most successful businesses were started by individuals with a clearly defined vision, purpose, and goals. The definition of an entrepreneur is one who “assumes the risk” in a business in expectation of gaining a profit. Step upF and step out in both your professional and personal life. Take a stand. Take a risk and act like an entrepreneur. Expect the best to become the best. Take that first step to get what you want. Yes, the first step is often the hardest, so you need to ask yourself: “What am I waiting for? What’s the worst that can happen?” If you never try, you’ll never achieve.
Failure Is the Key to Success
One entrepreneur tells the story of how their dad often took them snow skiing to the local mountains when they were young. They never forget his instructions as they watched the expert skiers go down the slopes with perfect parallel turns. The father admonished, “You’ll never get better standing there watching and wishing you could ski like they can.” With that advice, they would take off and swish down the mountain as fast as they could, with the goal of falling down on every run. That way they knew they were pushing it to the max. You don’t get better if you don’t fall down often. You get better when you try new tricks and techniques.
Have you ever noticed that in life, successful people always get up when they fall down? And, the really successful ones fall down a lot. Stay alert for opportunities. Be quick to change and make your own luck. Always be ready and well prepared. Know where you want to go and let others know where you want to go too. Ask others how they did it. Seek advice, stay informed, and keep improving. Stay on top of your field and always go for it.
What You Get Is a Result of What You Give
Successful people who have their lives in order seem to be more active, involved, and generous with charity, church, and volunteer organizations. They find time to make giving a top priority in their lives. The fact is your success is an outcome of how much you do for others. Your deeds have lasting impact, not your stuff, power, position, or busy schedule. Successful people make more time to serve others. Becoming a success is directly proportional to what you give. It’s a fine line—some people give to get—but that won’t work for most.
You may find that you will receive an overwhelming return on your investment every time you give of your time, talent, and money. Giving is the outward expression of your inner commitment, character, and dedication. There is a direct conduit between your heart and your wallet. A banker once said that the first line he looks at on a loan applicant’s tax return is “contributions.” He explains that you can usually judge a person’s true integrity and sincerity by looking at that one single entry. People who donate money generously and on a regular basis can be trusted. People who don’t find time or money to give to others are self- centered and can’t get everything in life they want. People who don’t give are the only ones who complain about giving. Give giving a try and you will get more in return than you ever gave.
Albert Einstein said, “Only a life lived for others is worthwhile.” Try building your business with the slogan: “Do a good job for the customer and the money will come.” Putting others first works in both business and life. So give, get, and enjoy what you’ve got.
Ready to explore how Sunflower Bank can assist you? Speak to a personal banker at a branch near you, contact a specialist on our Wealth Management team, or find the right financial partner on our Commercial Banking team for your business needs.
This article contains general information only. Sunflower Bank, N.A. is not, by means of this article, rendering accounting, financial, investment, legal, tax, or other professional advice or services. This article is not a substitute for such professional advice or services, before making any decisions related to these matters, you should consult a qualified professional advisor.