Six Success Tips for Small Businesses
Outsourcing can be a good way to get the jobs you need done without the complications and expense of hiring full-time employees. But like any other human-resources decision, it has to be handled carefully to ensure you find the right people at the right price. Success does really lie in the details here. The better the match between your candidate and the skills you require, and the more clearly you can spell out what exactly you want done, the greater your chance of success. Here are a few tips for making the decision.
- Do Your Homework. Review the qualifications and experience of your candidates, as well as their communications skills. Use the same process as when you hire a full-time employee. Your service provider will be just as much a part of your team.
- Consider Geography. Do you need to be able to contact your service providers during the day? Consider whether having someone in the same time zone as you is important, or whether your interactions can be done in the hours you are both at work.
- Technology Can Help. A tech-savvy candidate can communicate with you via email and online services like Skype.
- Get References and Check Them. Ask for samples of each candidate’s work and names of previous employers and contact them.
- Choose the Right Candidate. Look for people who have done the exact type of work for which you are hiring and ask to see samples of their work. Go with a candidate who offers a good fit at a fair price rather than one who will work for the least amount of money.
- Spell It Out. Spelling out as many details as possible as early in the process as possible reduces the odds of misunderstandings that lead to errors, delays, and added costs. Once you’ve selected a provider, write out a contract that lists all the details, including:
- Your goals for the project.
- The project’s scope, including the services or deliverables the contractor will provide.
- Deadlines, project milestones, status reports, and payment amounts.
- A meeting schedule.
- Details of who will own the intellectual property produced during the project.
Include any other factors that will influence the success of your project.
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