Sole Proprietorship, Limited Liability Company, Corporation Advantages
Most small businesses start as sole proprietors or partnerships. Then, as they grow, they may set up a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or a corporation to help protect them from business liability.
While protection from liability is a great reason to create or change corporate structure, choosing the right business identity can create tax advantages, too. Even if operating as a sole proprietorship made perfect sense at one point, that structure may no longer be as effective as your business grows and may keep you from reducing your taxes to the fullest extent.
The following is an overview of the different types of corporate structure. Use this information as general guidance and always consult an accounting or legal professional for advice specific to your individual situation.
Sole Proprietorship & Partnership
A sole proprietorship is the simplest but also the riskiest form of ownership. Very little paperwork is necessary to start one and taxes are filed as part of your personal tax return. In most cases, all you’ll need to get started is a business license. Those are the positives. On the other hand, as a sole proprietorship, you are the business, which means all your business and personal assets could be at risk in the case of loss or liability.
A partnership works the same way; the only difference is partnerships are operated by two or more people. General partners share in profits and are personally responsible for any losses or liabilities. Limited partners invest in the business but agree not to participate in business decisions and as a result limit their exposure to loss or liability. In simple terms, think of a limited partner as a "silent partner."
The main benefit for sole proprietorships and partnerships is pass-through taxation. The business does not file income taxes. Rather, all income, losses, deductions, and credits pass through to the owners and are filed on their personal tax returns. But − and this is a major "but" − owners and partners face personal responsibility for loss or liability. In addition, owners can miss out on tax breaks and company benefit programs like insurance and retirement plans.
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
If you want to limit your liability − in other words, limit your liability to what you have invested in the company − you can set up an LLC or a corporation. Keep in mind that creditors may be able to "pierce the corporate veil" in cases of fraud or when legal and reporting requirements haven’t been met. As long as you operate by the book that should not be a concern.
An LLC blends the structure of a partnership with the liability protection given to Corporations. Many experts advise small business owners to form LLCs because a Limited Liability Company is relatively easy to set up and provides a fair amount of flexibility and protection.
An LLC functions in some ways like a partnership because the profits "pass through" to the owner’s tax return. Losses can be used to offset other income, but only up to the amount invested. In other words, you cannot use a small investment in an LLC to shelter a significant amount of other income.
A corporation is a separate and distinct legal entity. Corporations can be sued. While that doesn’t sound positive, it does mean the owners’ personal assets are protected from liability. While you may own the corporation, the corporation exists separately from you. Corporations are created, registered, and operated under the laws of the state where articles of incorporation were filed.
Owners of corporations are considered shareholders and enjoy several key benefits:
- Employees (or even just yourself if you’re the only employee) can participate in company-paid benefit plans − health insurance, retirement plans, etc.
- Lawsuits are filed against the company instead of individuals (except in cases of criminal or discriminatory behavior), protecting owners, employees, and their assets from personal liability.
- Losses and debts are the responsibility of the company and not of individual employees; only company assets can be used to take care of company obligations.
A C-Corporation has shares that can be freely traded among an unlimited number of owners, which makes it a great vehicle for a small company about to go public. A C-Corp files its own tax return and distributes any profits to the owners. Those profits are in effect "double-taxed" since the corporation pays taxes on profits first and then the owner pays taxes, in the form of income tax, on any distributions. Keep in mind, to avoid double taxation "profits" can be distributed as wages, which avoids the issue of double taxation.
A Subchapter S corporation operates in a similar fashion with one main difference: Company income can "pass through" to owners just like in a sole proprietorship. As a result, income flows through to individual shareholders and taxes are paid at the owner level, not the corporate level. Many people who are the sole owners and employees of their company − like consultants and real estate agents − set up S-Corps to enjoy pass through income, avoid self-employment tax, and receive protection from liability.
Which form of business ownership is right for you? If you’re just getting started, a sole proprietorship or partnership is the simplest way to dip your toe in the business waters.
As your business becomes more established or if you’re concerned about personal liability, set up an LLC or a C-Corp.
And if you want income to pass through to your personal tax return, set up an S-Corp.
Before you make a final decision, talk to accounting and legal professionals to get specific advice for your individual situation and needs.
Ready to explore how Sunflower Bank can assist you? Speak to a personal banker at a branch near you, contact a specialist on our Wealth Management team, or find the right financial partner on our Commercial Banking team for your business needs.
This article contains general information only. Sunflower Bank, N.A. is not, by means of this article, rendering accounting, financial, investment, legal, tax, or other professional advice or services. This article is not a substitute for such professional advice or services, before making any decisions related to these matters, you should consult a qualified professional advisor.